Saturday, May 3, 2008


I have been using this program for a long time. You would have probably heard about this when an article was published in the strait times awhile back. i actually stumbled this site even before the newspaper decided to run an article on it.

ok enough talk about how i came to know about this site. this site as the name suggests pays u money for just reading emails of advertisements that they send your email. the conversation rate as a newcomer with no referrals is peanuts. But once you get 20 people under your belt and become a Gold Member, you automatically get $5 credited to your account and you earn more when you and your friends read the ads.

Currently i have only 13 people under my belt and have about $1.50 in the account. So if you don't mind spending a bit of your time just opening up your mail click on the banner on the right of the blog and join the gang!

cheers and enjoy earning!

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Snapple's Way

Hi people out there, i am Arthur and this blog will be where i will guide you through my experience on how i earn or lose on the Internet. If you find it interesting or you think whichever program that i have used will benefit you, please do not hesitate to join under me as the links will be given.